Note: The issue with Businesses and Environmental Regulation is a complex one and a great deal of information and understanding is needed. We hope the below articles help you better understand what you need to know to help move your business forward.

Most Will Come Into Compliance After That First Violation
News Item: Most Will Come Into Compliance After That First Violation
Date 6/29/2022
In this video, I speculate as to why the Jurisdictions haven't been informing businesses about the mandatory audits and fines associated with SB-1383... They're too busy getting ready.
California Mandatory Access for Audits
News Item: California Mandatory Access for Audits
Date 5/6/2022
This is a clip from the Carlsbad stakeholders meeting on SB-1383. We take a look at the section that says you have to let them into your facility and how to subsequently fine you for not granting access.
CalRecycle - Enforcement on the Enforce
News Item: CalRecycle - Enforcement on the Enforce
Date 4/27/2022
Here is a clip from a CalRecycle "stakeholders meeting" on SB-1383 and how they are going to enforce compliance with the mandatory fines.
$10,000 Fine For Eating Lunch in California?
News Item: $10,000 Fine For Eating Lunch in California?
Date 12/13/2021
I was wondering, how do I illustrate the cost of SB-1383 on your business? Being in California I thought what's a better way to illustrate than In n' Out, a California institution that most of us know and love.
The $500 Potato Chip
News Item: The $500 Potato Chip
Date 10/4/2021
There are a bunch of businesses in California right? There's about four million give or take a few hundred thousand. Eighty percent of those are considered small business, 1 employee to about 20 employees. So, how is California going to enforce mandatory audits against your business? They don't have to...
Mandatory California Fines... Yes, It's Real!
News Item: Mandatory California Fines... Yes, It's Real!
Date 7/1/2021
I've been talking with a lot of people about California sb-1383 and the short-lived climate pollutants bill and nobody, no business that I have met has even heard of it. But the law does exist, it was past September 2016.
California's Own 'Green New Deal'
News Item: California's Own 'Green New Deal'
Date 6/22/2021
September 19 2016, it was the day jerry brown signed sb-1383 but nobody realized what the impact of sb-1383 would be on your businessand you'll find out when inspectors unexpectedly drop by your office with their list of mandatory fines.
Sustainability And History
News Item: Sustainability And History
Date 4/2/2021
Throughout history, people you never imagined have made an impact on the environment. Sometimes unintentionally!
Triple Bottom Line - The Three P's
News Item: Triple Bottom Line - The Three P's
Date 3/1/2021
The Triple Bottom Line is more of an acronym for integrating sustainability into your business without sacrificing profit.
Pledge of Sustainability
News Item: Pledge of Sustainability
Date 2/1/2021
Making a commitment to growing your business and having an impact to create a healthy environment can help stimulate your organization to support you in meeting regulations
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