Membership Benefits


Note: Compliance with SB-1383 is a lot of work for any organization and if you're not prepared in time, you will get fined. The problem is the Jurisdictions are too busy getting ready to do audits to alert businesses, the audits are coming.

California SB-1383 (SLCP)... Mandatory Audits and Fines began January 1, 2022:

The BEC was founded to help businesses navigate environmental regulation while keeping an eye on the bottom line...

Then, in 2016, California passed SB-1383 (Short Lived Climate Polutants) regulations. There is no way around this, there is no loophole, any "good faith effort" clause has been replaced with "Mandatory fines." Your business will be fined, our business will be fined. Even the Jurisdictions themselves will be fined for non-compliance.

  • We provide tools to help your business avoid these fines as much as possible
  • Services provided to mitigate the effects of SB-1383 on your business include:
    • Employee training on how to throw away trash (mandatory every year or a $50-$500 per employee fine)
    • Auto-documentation that employees have been trained (mandatory every year or a $2500 improper documentation fee)
    • Signs and posters you can print (mandatory or a $50-$500 per violation)
    • Self Assessment instructions to help you be ready when auditors show up at your location
    • Email support for questions regarding SB-1383
      • In some cases the law is not well defined & courts defer to the authoritative agency (CalRecycle)
      • Note: if we don't know the answer, we will ask CalRecycle and get back to you
  • The BEC monitors the California enforcement of environmental regulations for changes so we can help keep you prepared

The Business Environmental Coalition (BEC) is committed to...

  • Providing businesses with a voice on overreaching environmental business regulations
  • Providing a platform where public and private sectors can collaborate on environmental issues
  • Providing environmental expertise to businesses who want to reach real environmental objectives
  • And Now... Limiting your exposure to fines under California SLCP (SB-1383)

Types of Businesses We Support: join-here-buttons_green.png


Small Businesses: As a small business, our basic membership will meet all your needs. Your online registration gives you access to all of our self assessment tools and training. In addition, you can email us if there is anything unclear or not addressed through our services.

Corporate Services: If you have your own Environmental Coordinator, the basic service we provide for small businesses will suit you just fine. The Business Environmental Coalition provides custom services to support your organization. Including the ability to have a BEC Environmental Expert come to your location and do an assessment of your readiness for SB-1383 compliance and develop a plan to prepare before State and Jurisdictional Auditors come to your location for a full scale audit. Once you register, contact us to discuss personalized services.


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